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  • Writer's pictureBeth Fratt

It's Valentines Day!

Updated: Jun 20, 2020

I thought I would share some of the things I love with the inter web. But as I started to look for some of my favorites, I ran across the Uptown Dinning collection at West Elm. Can I just say, I am in LOVE!!! and within an hour, I had a design board for an imaginary formal dinning room that I could not put in my house because it's just too nice. I would seriously be afraid to touch anything in it. So if you are in the market for a modern but not too serious dinning room, here goes.

First up, the Uptown Dinning collection...

I don't know what it is about these chairs, but I find them so sexy...the brass, the's modern, it has an early 80's throw back (like the Patrick Swayze or Tom Cruise 80's, not the high shoulder pads and horrible stirrup pants 80's) that I really like. Normally, I like to mix things up, but I would absolutely put this whole set together.

Now add a rug...

Rug from WE

The Caspian Distressed Rug is also from West Elm. I like the progression of the color, and the hints of teal at the end. The pink, much like the brass, offset all the hard lines of the chairs, giving the room a feminine touch.

To mix it up a bit, I would add the Reclaimed Russian Oak Baluster table from Restoration Hardware.

Table from RH

I like that it is black in high contrast to the almost white chairs. It also looks great with the Smythson Shagreen Panel 4-door sideboard.

Sideboard from RH

The material is a really cool black and white almost leather like style that would just fit right in with all of this goodness.

Some art...all of this can be found on Urban Outfitters. The girl in the pool can be on her own on a wall because the print comes in a 30x40, perfect for that space.

I can see the other two pictures over the sideboard this way...

art and sideboard

A light...this was the only picture I could find of this light, but it's a stunner.

Ninush chandelier

Finally, some small accessories...all of these can be found at West Elm

And here it is. A formal dinning room that doesn't take itself too seriously.

Hope you had tons of love this spectacular Valentines day!!

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