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  • Writer's pictureBeth Fratt

GR Girls' Room Wallpaper Edition

Updated: Jun 20, 2020

The wall paper is up!!! And it literally took my breath away. My photography skills are seriously lacking, so you don't quite get the effect here that you should. Hopefully, it looks as good online as it does in person. Here is where we start...

Wallpaper going up

Designers take risks most people wouldn't try. It's what makes us good at our jobs. Most people would see this paper and run. OR they would need to see a bigger sample to know that it was going to work. If I am being honest, though, even designers are not always sure that our "risk" will pay off. It's all still just in our heads, and sometimes the actual execution just isn't the same. This was one of those moments where someone like me just starts dancing inside. It's that magical moment where you think, "that's right, I AM good at my job!"

You can see the little nook there for Lilly.

In another BOLD move, I decided to go with a high gloss paint on the ceiling. Trey hated putting this up because it felt impossible to not have streaks (this is literally the first time we used a high gloss). But when the paper went up, it reflected the flowers on the ceiling. It was the BEST! You know, that time where you had a good idea, and when you did it, turns out it was an extraordinarily fantastic idea!!

We found these door knobs at Hobby Lobby (similar).

As a reminder, this was the before...

Can't wait to get the beds in here.

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